رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً icon

رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً APK

Updated on: January 07, 2024

App informations

Version: 1
File size: 27.2 MB
Requires Android Android 5.0+ (Lollipop)
Category Apps, Books & Reference
Google Play ID com.getawayaboodapp.geta...
Permissions [ view details ]
About this app

رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً

غصبن عني حبيتها

رواية رومانسية جميلة تجعلك تنتقل إلى عالمها وتع...... [ read more ]

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رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً is a complimentary Android Books & Reference App developed by abdulghafourHasan. Its most recent version, 1, was released on January 07, 2024.

On CloudAPKs.com, you can access details information about رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً, including screenshots, user reviews, and the option to download APK/XAPK files for both the latest and previous versions of the app.

All APK/XAPK files available on CloudAPKs.com are original and ensure fast downloading. If you encounter any issues with downloading or installing the app, please inform us by leaving a comment below.

Ratings and Reviews from users

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FAQs & Tutorials

Q: What is an .APK File?

A: An Android Package Kit (APK for short) is the package file format used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile applications. Just like Windows (PC) systems use an .exe file for installing software, Android does the same.

Q: What is an .XAPK File?

A: XAPK is a zip format standard that includes Android App Bundles or APK files (installation packages), along with OBB, cache assets, and other data files. This format ensures that an app is downloaded and runs successfully on Android devices. Due to the Google Play Store's limitation on app file sizes, developers often use the XAPK file format for apps larger than 100MB. This approach allows users to download APK files on Android without experiencing corruption issues.

Q: How to install .APK File?

Installing APK files on Android devices is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Download the APK File: Download the APK file from this website and save it in an easy-to-find location, such as your device's 'Downloads' folder.
  2. Open and Install the APK File: Locate and open the APK file you just downloaded. A prompt will appear asking for your confirmation to install the app. Tap "Install" to proceed with the installation.
  3. Complete Installation and Launch the App: Wait for the installation process to complete. Once installed, you can open the app directly or find it in your app drawer.

Q: How to install .XAPK File?

To install an XAPK file, you need to use the Split APKs Installer (SAI) application. Here's how to do it:

  1. Install SAI: Download and install the Split APKs Installer (SAI) app. The installation process is similar to that of any regular APK file.
  2. Install the XAPK:
    - Open the Split APKs Installer (SAI) on your device.
    - In SAI, tap on the 'Install APKs/XAPK' button.
    - Navigate to the folder where you saved the downloaded XAPK file.
    - Select the XAPK file you wish to install and proceed.
  3. Complete the Installation: Follow the on-screen instructions within SAI to complete the installation process. Once the installation is finished, the app will be available in your app drawer for use.

Previous versions

رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً 1
Added on: January 07, 2024
File size: 27.2 MB

App permissions

رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً 1 requires following permissions:

  • Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
  • Allows applications to open network sockets.
  • Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
  • Allows access to the vibrator.
  • Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
  • Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices.
  • Allows an application to request installing packages.
  • Allows an application to read from external storage.
  • Allows applications to access information about networks.
  • Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.

About رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً

رواية غصب عني حبيتها كاملة مجاناً

غصبن عني حبيتها

رواية رومانسية جميلة تجعلك تنتقل إلى عالمها وتعيش مع أبطالها وأحداثها المليئة بمشاعر الحب والغرام والخيال الراقية والرائعة والجميلة

روايتي تتحدث عن الحب والرومانسيه والخيانه والانانيه..و..و..

ابطال القصة:
عايلة ابوحمد:
سعد وهو الاب،الهنوف وهي الام،حمد وعبدالله وحنان وريم وسارة ورغد
عايلة ابو جاسم:
محمد وهو الاب،عائشه وهي الزوجة،جاسم ونوف وصيته وأحمد وفاطمة
عايلة ابو عبدالله:
مبارك وهو الاب، عواطف وهي الزوجة، عبدالله وراشد وعفراء واسماء وسارة
عايلة ابو فيصل:
خالد وهو متوفي منذ 6سنوات وهو الاب،غديروهي الام، فيصل وغادة وام نواف
عايلة ابو جمعان:
متعب وهو الاب،منيرة وهي الام،جمعان مات من 5سنوات،نورة وسارة ماجد وعبدالله
وفي شخصيات اخرى مهمه راح تظهر عند قرآت الرواية..

حمل التطبيق الآن وإستمتع بقراءة الرواية المميزة عبر تطبيقنا بخط واضح وتصميم جميل مجاناً أتمنا أن تنال إعجابكم

لا تبخلوا علينا بتقيم الرواية وكتابة آرائكم واقتراحاتكم

والله ولي التوفيق والنجاح