Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 icon

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 APK

Updated on: September 10, 2024

App informations

Version: Bible
File size: 53.5 MB
Requires Android Android 5.0+ (Lollipop)
Category Apps, Books & Reference
Google Play ID
Permissions [ view details ]
About this app

Bible Audio Français gratuit Louis Segond.

Vous pouvez désormais lire ou écouter la Bible Louis Segond sur votre mobile...... [ read more ]

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Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 is a complimentary Android Books & Reference App developed by BÍBLIA. Its most recent version, Bible, was released on September 10, 2024.

On, you can access details information about Bible Audio Français LSG 1910, including screenshots, user reviews, and the option to download APK/XAPK files for both the latest and previous versions of the app.

All APK/XAPK files available on are original and ensure fast downloading. If you encounter any issues with downloading or installing the app, please inform us by leaving a comment below.

Ratings and Reviews from users

11K+ Ratings
5 ★ (0)
4 ★ (104)
3 ★ (416)
2 ★ (867)
1 ★ (9468)

(*) is required

4 : Very good offline reading but does not read continiously if the sreen is in sleep mode. The other think you have to play after each and every chapter

5 : The pronouciation sounds a little bit like it is generated from a computer but is pronounced well.

5 : Thank you for this well printed Bible easy to read and audio Thank you for making it easy for all to enjoy the Word of GOD GBY Merci car cette Bible écrit en grand caractère facilite la lecture et donne envie de lire que le Seigneur nous aide à y obéir avec joie

5 : It easy to read and understand also easy to search any passage in the Bible , I really love it

5 : It's very helpful app. I can listen verses even separated. Well said and pronounciated. Thank you! May God bless you

4 : It would be great if the reading was done by real people's voices instead of a robot voice.

3 : I really enjoyed the French readings but the reader usually jumped over so many verses without readimg

5 : Is very good app and I like it but two problems ; freezing also I can't subscribe .

5 : Awesome Bible app with audio without connection. Thanks a lot 👍

5 : It was just joy listening to it offline. May God all those who made it available.

FAQs & Tutorials

Q: What is an .APK File?

A: An Android Package Kit (APK for short) is the package file format used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile applications. Just like Windows (PC) systems use an .exe file for installing software, Android does the same.

Q: What is an .XAPK File?

A: XAPK is a zip format standard that includes Android App Bundles or APK files (installation packages), along with OBB, cache assets, and other data files. This format ensures that an app is downloaded and runs successfully on Android devices. Due to the Google Play Store's limitation on app file sizes, developers often use the XAPK file format for apps larger than 100MB. This approach allows users to download APK files on Android without experiencing corruption issues.

Q: How to install .APK File?

Installing APK files on Android devices is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Download the APK File: Download the APK file from this website and save it in an easy-to-find location, such as your device's 'Downloads' folder.
  2. Open and Install the APK File: Locate and open the APK file you just downloaded. A prompt will appear asking for your confirmation to install the app. Tap "Install" to proceed with the installation.
  3. Complete Installation and Launch the App: Wait for the installation process to complete. Once installed, you can open the app directly or find it in your app drawer.

Q: How to install .XAPK File?

To install an XAPK file, you need to use the Split APKs Installer (SAI) application. Here's how to do it:

  1. Install SAI: Download and install the Split APKs Installer (SAI) app. The installation process is similar to that of any regular APK file.
  2. Install the XAPK:
    - Open the Split APKs Installer (SAI) on your device.
    - In SAI, tap on the 'Install APKs/XAPK' button.
    - Navigate to the folder where you saved the downloaded XAPK file.
    - Select the XAPK file you wish to install and proceed.
  3. Complete the Installation: Follow the on-screen instructions within SAI to complete the installation process. Once the installation is finished, the app will be available in your app drawer for use.

Previous versions

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible
Added on: September 10, 2024
File size: 53.5 MB

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible
Added on: April 17, 2024
File size: 32.2 MB

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible
Added on: March 07, 2024
File size: 49.7 MB

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible
Added on: December 12, 2023
File size: 21.9 MB

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible
Added on: March 11, 2023
File size: 14 MB

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible
Added on: December 02, 2022
File size: 13.6 MB

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 6.0
Added on: December 03, 2020
File size: 13.7 MB

App permissions

Bible Audio Français LSG 1910 Bible requires following permissions:

  • Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • Allows applications to access information about networks.
  • Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
  • Allows applications to open network sockets.
  • Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.

About Bible Audio Français LSG 1910

Bible Audio Français gratuit Louis Segond.

Vous pouvez désormais lire ou écouter la Bible Louis Segond sur votre mobile grâce a notre audio app. Elle est gratuite et disponible sous Android.

Cette application gratuite contient la version Louis Segond 1910 de la Bible, la Bible la plus renommée en français.

Téléchargez la Parole de Dieu et utilisez-la en plein office, dans un métro, à la maison ou où vous voulez car cette app fonctionne également hors-ligne, vous n’avez pas besoin de connexion internet.

Lors d’un voyageen voiture ou au métro, on ne peut pas profiter d’une bonne connexion Internet, mais nous avons pensé à vous: nous vous offrons une Bible Louis Segond en français audio pour lire et écouter hors connexion et sans utiliser vos données.

Grâce à la démocratisation des smartphones, aujourd’hui millions de personnes utilisent une app pour lire ou écouter la (LSG) Bible Louis Segond gratuite.

Saviez vous que beaucoup de prêtres s’en servent comme outil d’évangélisation?

Le monde a changé et le temps de la Bible Louis Segond gratuit (LSG) en papier est presque révolu. Il y a longtemps, les évangélisateurs voyageaient à pied, à cheval, en bateau.

Des nos jours les religieux, les croyants, les fidèles profitent des applications pour lire et écouter le message de Dieu. Il est bon d’utiliser la technologie dont nous disposons aujourd’hui afin de lire, écouter et partager la Parole de Dieu en français avec audio.

Marquez et sauvegardez vos versets bibliques préférés pour les lire plus tard, changez la taille des caractères, choisissez votre plan de lecture, parcourez la Bible en entier et prenez la Bible avec vous partout.

Activez le mode nuit pour reposer vos yeux lorsque vous lisez la Bible LSG avec audio dans une situation de faible luminosité.

Profitez la Bible Louis Segond (LSG) 1910 gratuit complète en français contenant 66 livres:

L’Ancien Testament regroupe les textes antérieures à Jésus: Genèse, Exode, Lévitique, Nombres, Deutéronome, Josué, Juges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Rois, 2 Rois, 1 Chroniques, 2 Chroniques, Esdras, Néhémie, Esther, Job, Psaumes, Proverbes, Ecclésiaste, Cantique des Cantiques, Ésaïe, Jérémie, Lamentations, Ézéchiel, Daniel, Osée, Joël, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Michée, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonie, Aggée, Zacharie, Malachie.

Le Nouveau Testament regroupe les textes postérieurs à la vie de Jésus: Matthieu, Marc, Luc, Jean, Actes, Romains, 1 Corinthiens, 2 Corinthiens, Galates, Éphésiens, Philippiens, Colossiens, 1 Thessaloniciens, 2 Thessaloniciens, 1 Timothée, 2 Timothée, Tite, Philémon, Hébreux, Jacques, 1 Pierre, 2 Pierre, 1 Jean, 2 Jean, 3 Jean, Jude, Apocalypse.